Optimal Music


A set of mathematical methods used by Daniel Schell in the process of composing.
Methods using operational  research, combinatorial optimisation, algorithms, music theory.



The Travelling Musician  on the  EURO Website.

The Travelling  Musician

Brass Quintet, commission of the Association for Operational Research. The piece illustrates various aspects of my research on the optimal connection of chords. Created in Budapest by Brass in the Five under the direction of Gergely Vajda,


The paper:

Optimality in Musical melodies and Harmonic Progressions


Further research

“The connection of p-ads over Zn” by Daniel Schell, Ola Rinta-Koski, Thomas R.R. Pintelon



Optimality in musical melodies and harmonic progressions: The Travelling Musician

European Journal of Operational Research, 2002, vol. 140, issue 2, 354-372
